Books & Laptops
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These are the kindles we think are best suited for hobbiysts and general readers alike.
Laptops around 60k
New level of laptops are available at this price range.
These laptops are designed to be portable and pack a quite a bit of punch while still maintaining amazing battery life
Laptops around 75k
This is the point of diminishing returns.
The laptops in this price range are designed to serve atleast next 4 years of your life without cauing any problems or stuttering.
Laptops above this price range are really hard to recommend.
Laptops around 30k
These are the best laptops under ₹ 30000 that we found. This is the best price range for good quality laptops without breaking the bank.
Laptops around 50k
Very high quality laptops are available at this price range.
The offer decent battery life and perform flawlessly for daily tasks.
Best GRE books compilation.
Laptops around 40k
Best price segment for good performance that will last a couple of years.
Must-Read CAT Books
Here’s a compiled list of books suggested by many Professors and Toppers for success.