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Must-Read Books

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IES Must-Read Books

Here’s a compiled list of books suggested by many Professors and Toppers for success. All books are genuine.
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General Studies:

  1. IES & PSUs - 2017: General Studies by MADE EASY Team
  2. General Studies 2017: For UPSC, SSC, Railways, PSUS, Bank and Other Competitive Exams by ME Team



  1. A Handbook for Mechanical Engineering by ME Team
  2. Mechanical Engineering (Conventional and Objective Type): Conventional and Objective Types by R.S. Khurmi
  3. ESE - Mechanical Engineering (2018) : Preliminary Examination Solved Papers 2000 - 2017 by GKP
  4. ESE 2017 - Main Examination Mechanical Engineering Conventional Solved Paper - I
  5. ESE 2017: Preliminary Exam : Mechanical Engineering Objective Paper - Volume I 
  6. ESE 2017: Preliminary Exam : Mechanical Engineering Objective Paper - Volume II
  7. ESE 2017: Mains Examination: Mechanical Engineering Conventional Paper - II



  1. A Handbook for Electrical Engineering by ME Team
  2. ESE 2017: Mains Examination: Electrical Engineering Conventional Paper - II
  3. ESE-2017 Preliminary Examination Electrical Engineering Topicwise Objective Solved Papers Vol-I
  4. Electrical Engineering 3500+ Fully Solved MCQ
  5. ESE - Electrical Engineering (2018) :Solved Papers 2000 - 2017



  1. A Handbook for Civil Engineering by ME Team
  2. Civil Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type By J. K. Gupta R. S. Khurmi
  3. GATE 2017 Civil Engineering Masterpiece with 10 Practice Sets By Prem Mohan
  4. Civil Engineering - ESE Topicwise conventional Solved Paper-I by KANCHAN KUMAR THAKUR IES Experts


Electronics & Telecommunications:

  1. A Handbook on Electronics & Communication Engineering by Arihant Experts
  2. ESE - Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (2018) Solved Papers 2000 - 2017 by GKP


Must-Read Books UPSC CSE IAS

Here’s a compiled list of books suggested by many Professors and Toppers for success. All books are genuine.
All links are updated daily and are either Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal or PayTM . (Click on each to check)
Please support us by using our links.Ace the exams! You know you can do this!
We encourage you to support Indian Sites and Brands. #Make In India

Books for prelims:

General Studies Paper I

General Studies Paper II

Books for Mains :